Mid life is a time for re-evaluation, It is a time for re-assessment of our values and core beliefs. taking stock of who we are and what quality of life we can expect into our 90s. Potentially, it is an opportunity to re-invent ourselves and to unlock hidden talents. It is more about internal processes, what motivates us, how we deal with change and chaos, and our ability to adapt.
At risk of midlife ‘meltdown’ are those who have put little thought into what they want from life and who have not identified their dreams. Women who have invested all their identity in the mother role may find themselves floundering once that role ceases. Men who have worked hard at career or profession without considering what lies beyond their working life, are also at risk
People who accept that change is a normal part of life seem to have the easiest time getting through life transitions. Seeing changes as negative or as experiences that must be avoided makes them more difficult to navigate and less personally productive.
Our challenge is to befriend change and to find fulfilment within an unpredictable world.
Some people may resist the process altogether, preferring the ‘comfort’ of familiarity to the ‘discomfort’ of change.
Learning to navigate through any transition can be difficult but if we understand the process, its negative effect is lessened.